Master Your Mental Health
Master Your Mental Health

The Academy For Mental Health Wellness

Empower. Heal. Transform. Live

Are you a women living with anxiety and/or depression? Feeling stuck in life, frustrated because you've done the therapy & taken the meds but you're still suffering!  
Hello, I'm Marisela Abasta, over 25 years ago I too was where you are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and at times hopeless. I was frustrated and confused because for 4 years I did all the medical professionals told me to do for the"chemical imbalance" and "disorder," I was diagnosed with but I wasn't getting better! In fact I was getting worse, I found myself in a deep clinical depression with constant thoughts of suicide. Eventually I was diagnosed with "treatment resistant depression". If you ever want to strip someone of all hope give them that diagnosis!  I was a young mom of 2 little girls desperate to stay alive for them! By the grace of God I found a new way to overcome and break free from this diagnosis for good! 
The problem is we get stuck in a broken medical model because we aren't taught mental health wellness strategies. We are made to believe there is something wrong with us and our brains making us afraid of our emotions. Our society has medicalized normal human emotions and suffering making healing way more complicated than it really is. 
The key is getting to the root cause to sustainably overcome! 
Which is why I created The Empowered Life Course where I teach a simple but powerful 3 part process called The Life Empowerment Process.
You don't need a fancy degree or letters after your name, this is something anyone can learn! If you put your own pants on and brushed your own teeth today you too can learn it!!! If I can overcome it so can you! 

The Life Empowerment Process is a simple but powerful process which helps you overcome anxiety and depression! This is the same process I used to overcome the suicidal depression and anxiety I was living with over 25 years ago. 

This is a proven step-by-step process founded in neuroscience and psychology for sustainable healing. But most importantly you will take control of your mental health so you can start living life again! 

Are you living a DISempowered Life?

You Are Living A DISempowered Life If You Are Experiencing One Of The Following 3 Things...

  • Out of a 30 day month you feel depressed or experiencing anxiety 5 days or more making you feel scared you're going to live this way for the rest of your life!
  • You wake in the morning instantly feeling dread for the day which leaves you frustrated and feeling guilty because you have so much you "should" be happy!
  • When life gets to painful it throws you into a downward spiral of despair making you feel like you have no control over your mental health leaving you feeling hopeless!


For the last 13 years I've been helping women who feel stuck in life struggling with anxiety and depression by giving them answers and solutions. Through lived experience along with my professional experience THIS IS WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE... The fastest path to getting unstuck in life, overcoming anxiety, panic attacks, depression, severe mood swings (aka bipolar disorder), PTSD or OCD has 3 critical parts.
  1. Resolving Childhood Traumas (it's easier than you think)
  2. Transforming Outdated Thought Patterns
  3. Taking Control of Your Own Mind 
When all 3 parts are implemented together transformation is inevitable. 

“Marisela, The Life Empowerment Process has given me back my power so I can take control of my business and my life. I love how you plant the seed for transformation and feed it with your wise words and knowledge. You have a gift of getting to the core of why we're stuck and how to fix it but making it simple and easy for anyone to understand.  What I love most about you is that you are direct and don’t beat around the bush because you care so deeply about our transformation. Thank you for helping me get my life back!”   ~Carmen P.~ 

The Empowered Life Course


GET READY because your life will never be the same!!! 
Once you learn, The Life Empowerment Process, you WILL begin to live an EMPOWERED LIFE! A life where anxiety and depression no longer control you! A life with sleepless nights and painful days feeling out of control, frustrated and hopeless. FINALLY getting off the vicious cycle of emotional highs and lows. You'll have all you need to take control of your life and overcome any challenge with CONFIDENCE, CLARITY AND COURAGE. You will begin living life again! 

 A woman living an EMPOWERED LIFE is...                                                                              

Empowered with the knowledge to fully live life again. 
Makes educated decisions in all parts of her life.
Perpetual self learner with a growth mindset.
Overcomes life's challenges quickly using her LEP tools and strategies.
Wisdom to know what she can change and what she can't.
Example to the people around her to inspire change.
Richly present & living intentional in her daily life. 
Excited to live every day to the fullest. 
Determined to live her best life.

 You Deserve To Live An EMPOWERED LIFE!  

"I believe anyone that suffers from "mental illness" especially anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood swings, OCD or PTSD deserves to know how to permanently overcome it. No one should suffer from something that's curable." ~Marisela Abasta~


What if you could start living the life you've been dreaming of free from anxiety and depression and sustain it for the rest of your life without years of therapy and medication...THE LIFE EMPOWERMENT PROCESS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!

30 Days To Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. Without Wasting Time And Money On Things That Just Aren't Giving You Lasting Results! 

 This is the most transformational and comprehensive course you will ever find that delivers what it promises! 


 For a limited time


The Empowered Life Course:  In this virtual 4 week course you will LEARN & MASTER a systematic approach to Mental Health and Wellness called The Life Empowerment Process! 
  • You’ll finally understand what's keeping you STUCK & UNHAPPY in life & the step by step process to OVERCOME it! Healing is easier and faster than we are made to believe. 
  • You will build a ROCK SOLID CONFIDENCE, SELF- ESTEEM AND SELF- LOVE so you can be who you were meant to be and have the life you want! 
  • You will MASTER your mind and your emotions so YOU are in control of your life! You'll begin feeling more alive, focused and productive everyday!
  • You will HEAL your heart, mind and soul so you can LIVE a HAPPY and FULFILLED life!
Mastery Calls: these are weekly group coaching calls, only as you go through the course, with me. This is similar to office hours, come in with your questions pertaining to the course work from the week prior. I offer morning and evening times. Live guidance, as you begin to implement what you're learning, is so important for real transformation. 
Remember, KNOWLEDGE is POWER only if you implement what you are learning!    
You MUST RSVP for the weekly calls to join the call. 
BONUS #2   
You will be part of a Mental Wellness Revolution! This is a community of other amazing and powerful women on a healing journey just like you. We are creating a safe space on a private platform and app off all social media. This is a save space for support and accountability!            

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, ready for true transformation, this is the course for you!  

This virtual 4-week course can be watched at your convenience on your PC or phone using our free app. The training videos are short and to the point for easy learning and implementation. Our world has overcomplicated healing I am here to simplify it! It's easier than you think! 


STEP#1 Pick the plan that works for you!

STEP #2 Set up your account and Join today! 

STEP #3 Start learning and discover the power you have to create the life you want!


 The Academy For Mental Health Wellness 


  • In this course you will be responsible for your own mental wellness this is self therapy. It is group coaching but I'll guide and teach you what you need but If you feel you cannot work on your own mental health even with guidance because it is too triggering, too painful or you just don't want to feel your emotions this is NOT the space for you.
  • If you only want to share your traumas and not really looking to permanently heal them, this is NOT the the space for you.
  • If you have a tough time taking responsibility for things in your life, this is NOT the space for you. 
  • If you are NOT sick and tired of being sick and tired ready to do what it takes to take back your life, this is NOT the space for you.
  • If you have a biological mental illness like Schizophrenia, Eating Disorders, Split Personality disorders I do not have experience with these conditions but please seek help and consult your physician.  
  • If you have an addiction to drugs, alcohol or history of psychosis, hospitalization or feeling suicidal I am not trained to help you but there is help! Please consult a physician.

If you are feeling Suicidal PLEASE contact the National Suicide Hotline 800-273-8255  YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 

DISCLAIMER: I do not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to text, graphics images and other material contained on this website, in the course or community is for informational purposes only. It is your choice to implement what you learn from me.  NO material I share is intended to be a substitute for medical advice from a licensed medical Doctor, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regiment, and never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you learn from me. Everything you do is your choice and you take full responsibility of yourself when joining this course and community. This is a self therapy self help course. 

I AM NOT a Doctor, Physician, Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Neuroscientist although you might think I am as you go through the training (I get that alot) I never stop learning! Knowledge saved my life! I'm just someone that has been in the depths of it and knows in the deepest part of my soul that anyone can heal too! I overcame it using The Life Empowerment Process so now I'm on a mission to share it with as many women as I can! Empowered Women empower the world. Join me on my mission to stop suicides! 

 I have lived without mental illness (life controling anxiety, panic attacks, depression, mood swings aka bipolar, PTSD, OCD) for over 25 years. I teach from my lived experience and my professional experience as a Integrative Hypnotherapist and Mental Health Advocate. I'm trained and certified in body and mind techniques to help you heal faster.

Unfortunately if you are an Apple iPhone user you cannot use your iPhone to sign up for the course at this time, you MUST use a computer, although once you sign up it will give you access to the App so you can go through the course with your phone! 
 Android users you can register using the web. 
This platform requires you to create an account first then pay. Keep record of your password you will need it to enter the community and course. Once you are in head over to, WELCOME START HERE, the link will be there to set up the free app for your phone. See you inside!